Carolyn and Mark's German Eclipse Adventure
August 5-14, 1999

eclipse sequence 1 eclipse sequence 2 Our Web Picture Book Index:


Garching / Innsbruck

European Southern Observatory





Eclipse day at König Ludwig Hotel

Rain or Shine

The Fountain

Eclipse I

Eclipse II

Take a guided tour through the Petersen's recent trip.
If a picture has a colored border, you can click on it to see it bigger!
Links to other sites will open in a second window -- position accordingly!
All images were taken with a Sony Hi-8 camcorder,
transferred to computer using a Snappy,
then enhanced in Adobe Photoshop. Enjoy!

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© Copyright 1999, Loch Ness Productions.
Pictures and text by
Carolyn and Mark Collins Petersen.
Revised 28 May 2003