Carolyn and Mark's German Eclipse Adventure
The Fountain

Fountain panorama
Here's where the path from our hotel led: to this lovely fountain, with good views all around, a clock tower to remind us of the time, and benches to relax on. Perfect -- as long as the weather cooperated!
Volker and customers viewing eclipse progress Waiting for totality As totality grew closer, Volker's eclipse filter business grew.

It was almost heartbreaking at times. We'd see a bit of eclipse, and then clouds. At one point, Carolyn, Volker, and Greg sat down to enjoy the view, only to be rained on a few minutes later. Things were getting tense, and we were beginning to wonder if our "stay put" policy had been a sane one!

Adding to the sturm und drang: the video/electronics store set up a TV outside, so we could watch the eclipse coverage from elsewhere. We saw that Paris had fine viewing -- but the crowds and announcers in Stuttgart were getting drenched! We could only hope for the best as totality approached.
TV outside store Diamond ring in Paris
Totality in Paris Umbrellas in Stuttgart
Almost there! Lightning was striking nearby, and the heaviest storm cloud yet thundered in. We feared this would be our last glimpse of the eclipse.
Who would have thought that the Rick Wasson photo Mark had used on his second Geodesium album Double Eclipse would be so prophetic twenty years later? Double Eclipse album cover