Carolyn's symposium began on Sunday, so after a day of touring Munich and
meeting friends for lunch (with the obligatory Weisswurst!) on Saturday, her
"work" began. The meeting itself, titled "Research Amateur Astronomy in the
VLT Era", was organized by a group called Vereinigung der
Sternfreunde, and hosted by the European Southern Observatory. It attracted about
125 amateur and professional astronomers from mainland Europe, the U.S., and
the United Kingdom. The purpose was to share ideas for collaborative
research between amateur astronomers and their professional counterparts.
About 80 papers were given over a 2 1/2 day period -- including Carolyn's,
titled "New Models for Professional-Amateur Cooperation."
The sessions lasted all day, and then many of us would meet for
dinner in the village in the evenings. Our favorites tended to be the
Greek restaurant Poseidon, and the Italian bistro Cafe
Roma, both just a few meters from our hotel.