Carolyn and Mark's German Eclipse Adventure
Eclipse I

1 minute til totality One minute until totality -- oh, please, oh, please!
Diamond Ring 1 And then, what do we see through the clouds... Yes!! The beautiful diamond ring effect as the Moon slipped in front of the Sun. And a prominence at the bottom!

What you don't see here are all of us standing near the fountain, shouting and waving and laughing as the shadow of totality swept over us, almost completely unhindered by the clouds that had been plaguing us all morning.

Totality Ah, totality!

We were ecstatic!

Notice the beautiful coronal streamers stretching out from the Sun.

Eclipse and Venus Even Venus was easy to see shining through the thin clouds (about 7 o'clock in this picture); we didn't see Mercury though.
Fountain at totality
While we were familiar with the darkness of the umbra, this eclipse seemed much darker (and colder) than last year's in the Caribbean; surely the clouds had something to do with it.