Carolyn and Mark's German Eclipse Adventure

Planetarium Nürnberg Uwe and Volker

Being planetarians, Mark and Volker had to visit the planetaria in the area. The first was the Nicholaus Copernicus Planetarium in Nürnberg -- and as luck would have it, the place was under renovation. This is the view from the McDonald's across the street.

Director Uwe Lemmer was swamped with telephone calls and requests for media interviews, as you would expect just before an eclipse.

But he was happy to give Volker and Mark the tour of the "hardhat zone." It seems he's always donning strange headgear when we see him. Last time it was in London.

Nürnberg lobby under construction Nürnberg theater under construction The lobby. The larch.

Uwe hopes that when the scaffolding is all removed, the planetarium's Zeiss V star projector will have miraculously survived somehow.