Category Archives: General

Mobilizing the LNP Site

Web Site Redesign With the advent of smartphones, phablets, and the other mobile accoutrements of modern life online, Loch Ness Productions has redesigned our Web site to be more responsive. It seems that many folks like to look at our … Continue reading

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Teaching Dark Skies Awareness as Part of the International Year of Light

Loch Ness Productions Fulldome Show Selected as a Global Resource Loch Ness Productions is pleased to announce that Losing the Dark, the short PSA about light pollution that we created for and with the International Dark-Sky Association was selected as a featured … Continue reading

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Music, Physics, and Math: MUSICA Tells us What They Have in Common

Earlier this year as I was working with the IMERSA conference hosts to bring shows to the meeting, Ryan Wyatt alerted us to the show MUSICA: Why is the Universe Beautiful? and suggested that we show it at the meeting. So, … Continue reading

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