Chaos and Order poster

Chaos and Order - A Mathematic Symphony

"A triumphant marriage of mathematics, art, and music!"

"It's a multi-disciplinary tour de force!"

"A must-see for mathematicians of all ages!"

"The Universe is made of math." — Max Tegmark, MIT Physicist

Does mathematics have a color? Does it have a sound? What if you could look beyond the formulas and equations to see the beauty of the forms they describe?

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Media artist Rocco Helmchen and composer Johannes Kraas answer these questions in their latest educational/entertainment fulldome show: Chaos and Order - A Mathematic Symphony.

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Chaos and Order takes audiences on a spectacular journey through a fascinating world of sensuous, ever-evolving images, magnificently choreographed to symphonic electronic music.

Structured into four movements — from geometric forms, algorithms, simulations of chaos theory — the show explores breathtaking animated visuals of unprecedented beauty.

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Experience the fundamental connection between reality and mathematics, as science and art fuse together in this immersive celebration of the one common language of the universe: mathematics.

Turn your dome into a math visualization laboratory — with Chaos and Order!

Visualizations in Chaos and Order - A Mathematic Symphony
1st Movement -

Mesh cube
Static cube-array
Symmetry: Kaleidoscope
Voronoi diagram
Platonic solids: Hexahedron
Dynamic geodesic sphere-array
Dynamic cube-array
5-ring Borromaen knot
Geodesic sphere
Gyroid minimal surface
Spiral surface
Clebsch diagonal cubic surface
2nd Movement -

N-body simulation
Simulated galaxy-superstructures
Rigid-body dynamics
Fluid dynamics
Boids flocking simulation
Boids flight tracks
Viscoelastic fluid
Gravity-set simulation
Light-gravity simulation
N-body simulation: galaxy collision
3rd Movement -

Belousov-Zhabotinsky cellular automata
Evolutionary genetic art
Diffusion-limited aggregation (3D)
Coupled cellular automata
Diffusion-limited aggregation (2D)
Rabinovich-Fabrikant equation
Reaction-diffusion system: Ginzburg-Landau model
Reaction-diffusion system: Turing model
Lorenz attractor
4th Movement -

Mandelbrot set
Secant Fractal
Escape Fractal
Iterated function system: Recursive fractal flames
Mandelbulb Fractal
Mandelbox Fractal
Newton Fractal
Menger sponge

2013 UPDATE: Chaos and Order is now available as a 3-, 4- or 5-movement symphony.

The original 40-minute show contains four movements — Form, Simulation, Algorithm and Fractal. In 2013, a new 29-minute, 3-movement edit was created. The first two movements have basically been combined into one, and the onscreen "movement number" captions were revised accordingly.

And especially for the planetarium theaters, there is now a 51-minute extended version, adding a new meditative movement of slowly rolling stars; the dance of the planets in their orbits; the lines, grids, and wheels of the "classic" planetarium projector — though of course now rendered in fulldome, from DigitalSky 2.

Just choose the version you want and let us know when you order.

GENRE icon

Running time: 29:00, 40:00, or 51:00
Suitable for: General public
Information about: Mathematical visualizations, fractals, music
Year of production: 2012

POSTER (2500 x 3300 pixels, ~7MB)

Movie poster

FRAMES (select for high-resolution)

Chaos and Order promo art
Chaos and Order promo art
Chaos and Order promo art
Chaos and Order promo art
Chaos and Order promo art
Chaos and Order promo art

  • None yet!

Don't see the language you want? Let's work together with the producer to create it. Read more here!