Adventures in Nova Scotia!
It's been a long, hot summer. Mark and I have been working on our various projects and doing a little travel. Mom and Dad Collins set up camp a few miles away, and we've been visiting back and forth.

Come the first week of August, we all decided it was time to get the heck out of Dodge for a while, so we booked ourselves a trip on the Cat Ferry over to Nova Scotia. We left on Friday, August 4th and spent the night in Bar Harbor, Maine. Had a nice dinner for Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary, and relaxed for the first time in weeks. The next morning we caught the ferry to Nova Scotia, where we landed in Yarmouth just after lunch time.

After clearing Canadian customs (complete with a bagpiper to greet us at the port), we struck out north along the scenic coastal highway. After a nice sandwich lunch at a bed and breakfast up the road a piece, we wound our way up the highway, stopping at a beautiful Acadian Church of Saint Anne for a visit. Then we drove on a ways and visited the Gilberts Cove lighthouse, where Daddy and Mark climbed up into the lighthouse tower for a better look.

We continued on up the highway and eventually found ourselves in Wolfville, up on the coast of the Minas Basin on the Bay of Fundy. We checked into our hotel, which had a great vista of the valley, and headed off to a place called Hall's Harbor for some seafood. Along the way, we stopped at a scenic overlook (called a "look off") and took in another view of the valley. After a great dinner, we headed back to the hotel for an after-dinner Bailey's and then off to sleep.

Check out the pics by clicking on the thumbnail. When you're done, simply click "back" on your browser to get back to this page.
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Mark Snoozing on the
Cat Ferry to Nova Scotia
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Mom and Dad Relaxing
on the Cat
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A Bagpiper greets us
at Canadia Customs
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Saint Anne's church
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The Steeple
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Inside the church
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Mom in the "Odor-Free" section!
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Our First Lighthouse: Gilbert's Cove
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Mark and the Lighthouse
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Carolyn and the Lighthouse
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Picture-Taking at the Lighthouse
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Mark Helps Mom Take a Picture
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More Helping of Mom
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The Guys Inspect the Lighthouse Light
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Mark Checks Out the Point
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Mark Points Out the Yardarm
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Mark Advances on Photographer
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Carolyn on Terrace of Old Orchard Inn, Wolfville, NS
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Mark on the Terrace at Wolfville, NS
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At the scenic look-off on the way to dinner.
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More Scenic Look-offing
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Boats Stranded by Low Tide at Halls Harbor
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Another view of the boats
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Halls Harbor seafood joint, where we had our first big seafood feast!

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