Adventures in Nova Scotia! (Page 2)
The next day we got up and headed out to a place where we'd been told that we could watch the tides come in, in the form of a "tidal bore." It turned out to be a gully in the middle of a farm about 10 miles from the bay. We waited out there for more than an hour and a half, and just about the time we (and about 20 other onlookers) were about to give up, someone shouted "Thar she blows!!" And sure enough, the tide came rushing upsteam. It wasn't dramatic, but it WAS very cool to see the effect of high tide so far inland. After all the excitement, we headed back to town to get some lunch. We found a very nice place called the "Evangeline Inn."

After our celebratory tidal bore lunch, we headed for the Grand Pre monument. It's a very beautiful place that commemorates a sad chapter in Nova Scotia history: the deportationof the Acadians in the 1700s. There's a museum, gardens, and a lovely church. We watched a film about the deportation, called the Grande Derangement and then went for a walk in the gardens. It was really a lovely place to visit!

After that we took off for Halifax and our next stop, but not before driving out into the tidal basin to see the coastline.

We had a lovely dinner in Halifax that night at the Halifax Citadel Hotel. It's right next to the Citadel, the oldest fort on the island. Next morning after we checked out and began our tour of the Citadel with a a walking tour.

Check out the pics by clicking on the thumbnail. When you're done, simply click "back" on your browser to get back to this page.
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Site of the infamous Tidal Bore Watch. Yes, it did kind of boring waiting... and waiting...
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Another view of the ditch. It had a few centimeters of water in it when we first got there.
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Waiting up a storm... and after a while we wished we'd brought some chairs with us. The bridge was hard concrete and nowhere to sit.
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Others joined us after a while. I think we all read the same web page about this place.
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Finally the water started flowing in from the bay.
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Like tides everywhere, it just kept coming...
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and coming. This may have looked boring, but it was actually pretty neat. Or so we kept telling ourselves. ;)

To see the tide in action, click here. Dialup warning: it's about 1.1 megs and could take a while.
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We had our celebratory tidal bore lunch here at the Evangeline Inn.
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Walking the Grounds of Grand Pre.
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The church at Grand Pre
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Carolyn and the Church
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A Diorama of the Grand Derangement
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Another view of the church from the gardens
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A well thought to date back to the 1700s.
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More gardens
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Yet more gardens
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and even more gardens...
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Mark finds a sundial...
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Carolyn notices that it's made from a tree round.
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A placid pond, covered with green stuff... and some ducks...
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Notice the ducks?
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Another placid pond.
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The parade grounds at Halifax Citadel. Some Civil War re-enactors are marching.
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And continuing to march. Why Civil War re-enactors? Good question!
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A tour guide in full regalia.
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Inside the Citadel 1
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Inside the Citadel 2
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Inside the Citadel 3
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Inside the Citadel 4
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Inside the Citadel 5
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Inside the Citadel 6
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Inside the Citadel 7
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Inside the Citadel 2
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Mom Checks Out the Inside of the Citadel 8
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Inside the Citadel 9
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Inside the Citadel 10
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Inside the Citadel 11
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Mom Heads Up the Ramp Inside the Citadel 12
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A Cannon Inside the Citadel 13
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Daddy Checks out a Cannon Inside the Citadel 14
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The walking tour group from above. See Mark?
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Preparing the cannon for the noon firing.
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Mark checks out the preparations.

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