Adventures in Nova Scotia! (Page 3)
We spent a couple of hours at the Citadel, watched them shoot the noon cannon, and listening to a great bagpipe concert before taking off down the coast for some more sightseeing.

We spent the afternoon of our last full day on Nova Scotia spent driving down the Atlantic coast, visiting the lovely and rugged village of Peggy's Cove (with its cool-looking lighthouse), driving through Lunenburg, and taking in the scenery. We arrived in Yarmouth late in the evening, ready for some sleep.

Next day we went on a little walking tour of downtown Yarmouth before loading up onto the ferry for our trip back to the U.S. The ride across the bay was pretty uneventful and we landed in Bar Harbor just in time for dinner. Since we hadn't had enough seafood, we decided that a lobster feast would be perfect! We had a wonderful time, the weather was perfect, and we really hated to hit the road back home!

Check out the pics by clicking on the thumbnail. When you're done, simply click "back" on your browser to get back to this page.
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The changing of the main gate guard just before the noon cannon.
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Mark, Mom and Dad checking out the view from the Citadel toward Halifax Harbor.
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They were checking out the ships in the harbor.
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The crowd got shooed back for the Noon Cannon Blast.
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They got ready to fire, probably when the guy in the kilt signaled them.
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And..... FIRE!!!!
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The piper and drummer came out to play.
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And they did well!
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She was a good piper!
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When they were done, they marched away.
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And then so did we!
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The parking lot was in the moat!
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The lighthouse at Peggy's Cove
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Mark and the Cove. Trés scenic!
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Carolyn and the lighthouse
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Mom and Dad hike up to the Lighthouse
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Cool, blue water!
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Mom takes in the leaning lighthouse (really the photographer was leaning!)
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Should I hike up there or not?!?
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The Lighthouse: up close and personal.
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Daddy and Mark take in the lighthouse. There's a post office inside, too.
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Cool rocks along the shoreline at Peggy's Cove.
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More of those cool rocks.
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On our last night of the trip we went to Bar Harbor and walked around.
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We had lobster dinner at this great restaurant!
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And a nice view of the harbor at Bar Harbor, complete with diving whale sculpture!

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