Chaos and Order

A Triumphant Marriage of Mathematics, Art, and Music!

That’s what I wrote in our marketing copy for one of the finest fulldome shows I have ever seen: Chaos and Order: A Mathematic Symphony. And, I had good reason to. It takes viewers on a romp through mathematics—the language of science.

Math provides the underpinnings that help all scientists—astronomers, biologists, chemists, engineers, physicists, and physicians—understand objects and processes in the cosmos. It’s also a subject that gets a lot of bad press from people who are afraid of it. This show demonstrates that there’s nothing to fear and everything to enjoy!

When I first saw Chaos and Order on our dome, it only took me about two minutes to just fall in love with the beautiful way it approaches a subject all of us should know about. We immediately contacted the producer in Germany and arranged to market the show in the United States.

Why did I have such a strong reaction? Well, for one thing, I know that many of us fulldome producers are extending the definition of the types of science education shows that can be shown on the dome. A fulldome show like this one combines math, animation, and music, making it a true multi-disciplinary video that educators in those disciplines could use with their students.

Graphing the complexity of a Lorentz attractor in Chaos and Order. Courtesy Rocco Helmchen.

For another, math is one of those subjects that really scares people, and it shouldn’t. I remember my own early fears of math, and when I saw this show, I thought to myself, “Where was this movie when I was first learning algebra, geometry, and calculus?” I think that the gorgeous visualizations that the show uses to bring equations to life would really help those who have to “visualize” their math as they learn it. I know it would have done that for me.

As we watched it on the dome, Mark pointed out the exquisite choreography, and the subtle sound effects added to Johannes Kraas’s music to enhance the visuals. Creating the visuals for the dome space is hard enough, but to move them in synchrony with the music to make the artistry of the dance—that’s where the genius lies.

The show just resonated with me for other reasons I have a hard time explaining. But that’s okay. That’s the nature of good entertainment, and you don’t always have to explain why something appealed to you. I continue to enjoy watching it, and I hope that our fulldome clients and their audiences will find it as thrilling as I do.

Preview Chaos and Order!

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Losing the Dark in Your Language

Spreading the News about Light Pollution Worldwide

ltd_poster_tWe have just added Japanese, Mandarin and Turkish versions of our popular short show Losing the Dark. That brings the language count to eleven, with more to come! The show is free for download and is available for both fulldome and classic theaters, science educators, informal outreach professionals—anyone who wants to teach the public about light pollution issues. You can preview the show in English both here and at the International Dark-Sky Association’s Losing the Dark page.

Losing the Dark is a “public service announcement” planetarium show, a collaboration between Loch Ness Productions and the International Dark-Sky Association, and generously funded by, the Fred Maytag Family Foundation, the International Planetarium Society, and individual members of IDA. It introduces and illustrates some of the issues regarding light pollution, and suggests three simple actions people can take to help mitigate it. The show gives planetarium professionals a tool to help educate the public about the problems of light pollution. Planetarians are uniquely positioned to teach audiences ways we can all work together to implement responsible use of lighting. We made the show available in fulldome format and in flatscreen for use in classic theaters, classrooms, lecture halls, and other venues.

Since IDA is an international group, we got to work producing the show in other languages and the response has been phenomenal. It’s currently available in U.S. English, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Still to come are Cantonese, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, and Portuguese.

Check out Losing the Dark, download it, show it to people, and help spread the word about mitigating light pollution!


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Loch Ness Productions teams with Global Immersion for distribution

Loch Ness Productions has joined ranks with Global Immersion to bring the company’s catalog of fulldome shows to Global Immersion customers.

Mark C. Petersen picAccording to Loch Ness Productions President Mark C. Petersen, the agreement benefits current customers who have previously run LNP shows in their classic theaters and want them again on their new systems, as well as future Global Immersion theaters. “We’re extremely pleased to welcome Global Immersion as an official reseller of our shows,” he said. “Global Immersion’s systems produce some fine looking pictures up on the dome. Our shows have looked great whenever we’ve seen them through their Fidelity planetarium displays. We look forward to providing wonderful content to Global Immersion customers.”

Martin Howe picMartin Howe, Global Immersion’s Vice President, heralded the agreement as a great step forward. “It’s an historic moment,” he said. “I’m really pleased that we’ve found a way to develop business with Loch Ness Productions for the benefit of our mutual customers.”

Global Immersion, the specialist digital planetarium division of Electrosonic, designs and integrates high-performance solutions for domed theaters and giant screen cinemas, with dozens of installations around the world. Loch Ness Productions is a prolific producer and distributor of fulldome content, with more than 3000 shows shipped to theaters in 41 countries.

Carolyn Collins Petersen picContent distribution partnerships are important in the fulldome realm,” said Loch Ness Productions CEO Carolyn Collins Petersen. “For Global Immersion systems that require unique and specialized encoding, customers now have instant access to our content. We’ll work together with Global Immersion to tailor the shows precisely to their customer’s needs.”

The reseller agreement takes effect immediately and covers all eleven of Loch Ness Productions popular fulldome show titles.

For more information contact:

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