Are You Using “Losing the Dark”?

Take a Survey

ltd_poster_tEarlier this year we released a project we created for the International Dark-Sky Association called Losing the Dark. It’s a short, free-for-download public service announcement video available in both fulldome video and flat-screen HD formats. We’ve heard anecdotally from many folks who are using the show, and it seems to be a hit. The IDA is now conducting a survey to assess how many people are using it, and get some feedback on how effective it is.

If YOU are using Losing the Dark in your dome, your classroom, in public talks—wherever you talk about light pollution—please take a few minutes to fill out the survey. It’s quick, confidential, and will help IDA gauge how well the show is doing in spreading the word about light pollution and its solutions.

Access the survey on the IDA Web site and let us know your thoughts.

If you haven’t gotten Losing the Dark, go to the show’s Web page for more information on how to get it as a free download (or on a USB key at a very small price).

Thanks for your help!

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Scoring Infinity

We just returned from the Western Alliance Conference of planetarium professionals from the western states regionals (PPA, GPPA, SWAP, and RMPA) in Kansas City, MO. There, we had the privilege of showing off excerpts from the upcoming SpacePark360: Infinity fulldome show being produced by Dome3D, and utilizing new compositions by Geodesium. Mark has been working steadily on scoring the show in recent months. “The Dome3D guys have come up with some really interesting new scenes and concepts for this show,” he said. “Each one has given me some new directions to take the music—which I hope people will find intriguing.”

Check out some preliminary mixes Mark has made for three of the nine rides show here: http://www.lochnessproductions.comshows/dome3d/sp3i.html. You’ll find a cool sneak preview of the gorgeous visuals and cool music that we hope will thrill a new generation of audiences!

We also want to thank our hosts at the Arvin Gottlieb Planetarium at Union Station in Kansas City for hosting a fine meeting (ncluding stellar speakers, a great tour of a nearby brewery, and incredibly good  meals!).  We also appreciate Ash Enterprises showing Losing the Dark to WAC attendees. Special thanks go to Spitz, Inc. for inviting us to use their SciDome system to show Chaos and Order to the assembled WAC members. It was quite a treat to see these programs on two different systems.

It was good to see our friends and colleagues in Kansas City and swap notes about shows and production and we came away with some new ideas for fulldome shows to produce! Stay tuned!



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Reaching Out to say Thanks

We’ve heard from a number of our family, friends, and fulldome colleagues today asking if we are okay in light of the devastating floods delivering so much destruction along the Front Range and Eastern plains of Colorado.

We here at Loch Ness Productions are safe and fine for now and keeping up with our daily work. We have gotten almost continual rain storms the last few days. Most of that water is running downhill to form those torrents you’ve seen and heard about on the news.

Our local roads have some little damage up here in the high country, but nothing compared to what the folks in Estes Park, Lyons, Boulder, Denver and other parts of the state are experiencing. As we write this, many people are still evacuating, some are unaccounted for, and the situation is grave in many areas.

In short, so far Mark and I have been spared the worst. We still have electricity, phone, and Internet. Others are in far worse shape and the situation is far from over. The bad news is it’s still raining and we’re facing another onslaught over the next few days, which will most certainly continue to affect the regions downstream of us.

We appreciate everyone’s reaching out and are touched by your concern. At this point, we continue to focus our attention on how our family, friends, and colleagues who live and work in the heavily afflicted areas are doing.

The Nessies,

Mark and Carolyn Collins Petersen

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