Category Archives: General

New fulldome software available: VLCWarper

VLCWarper: Warp-on-the-fly movie player for Windows (and Mac) Finally, fulldome theaters with spherical mirror systems are no longer limited to running movies on the Mac platform! Fisheye movies for spherical mirror systems need to be distorted or warped, so the … Continue reading

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Extrasolar Planets – discovering new worlds

A New Show for the Loch Ness Productions Catalog Did you know that one in five stars in our galaxy probably has a planet up to two times the size of Earth in its habitable zone? The search for these … Continue reading

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Dream To Fly

A New Show Distributed by Loch Ness Productions “I remember… being able to sail through the air with wondrous ease…” Have you ever dreamt you were flying? Just spreading out your arms and swooping through the air? Or flying a … Continue reading

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