Category Archives: Fulldome shows

Flattening the Dome

or, How I Try to Make Customers Happy I recently completed a project that started out small, but quickly grew to major proportions.  It began — as often is the case — with a request from a customer: “We need … Continue reading

Posted in Fulldome, Fulldome shows, General | 1 Comment

Are You Using “Losing the Dark”?

Take a Survey Earlier this year we released a project we created for the International Dark-Sky Association called Losing the Dark. It’s a short, free-for-download public service announcement video available in both fulldome video and flat-screen HD formats. We’ve heard … Continue reading

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Scoring Infinity

We just returned from the Western Alliance Conference of planetarium professionals from the western states regionals (PPA, GPPA, SWAP, and RMPA) in Kansas City, MO. There, we had the privilege of showing off excerpts from the upcoming SpacePark360: Infinity fulldome … Continue reading

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