New Year’s Greetings 2023

The Nessies hold the plaque2022 was a productive period here at Loch Ness Productions. Our business continued its rebound from the pandemic shutdowns. We were particularly pleased to note the return of users for our popular FULLDOME OnDemand streaming service.

Here in our production studios, we were able to update some computer systems and projection equipment. As a result, our PixelDome will shortly become a nice 4K theater.

Loch Ness Productions was honored to be given the coveted Lifetime Achievement Award late last year by Dome Fest West, one of the dome community’s premier fulldome and immersive festivals.

Award plaqueIn citing our many years of work, DFW executive director Ryan Moore noted our pioneering status in planetarium and fulldome content. “The award is long-deserved. Mark and Carolyn Collins Petersen have been at the forefront of fulldome for more than four decades, and their contributions have had a lasting impact on the field,” he said. “We are honored to give them this award and to recognize their lifetime achievement.”

Our CEO, Carolyn Collins Petersen, attended as one of the judges for the festival. She and her cohorts on the judging team were tasked with watching more than a hundred fulldome and immersive pieces of content and deciding on the best of the show.

The Lifetime Achievement citation came at the end of the Awards Gala, and was a marvelous surprise and capstone to a wonderful event.

About Mark C. Petersen

I'm President and Founder of Loch Ness Productions. Check out my bio, where you can read more about me and my work.
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