Dream To Fly

A New Show Distributed by Loch Ness Productions

“I remember… being able to sail through the air with wondrous ease…”

dtf_poster_tHave you ever dreamt you were flying? Just spreading out your arms and swooping through the air? Or flying a plane high above the ground and looking up at the blue sky above? As a child, I often imagined myself flying above the clouds, looking back down to Earth as I went.

That dream so many of us share now takes flight in an amazing new fulldome show called Dream To Flya beautifully rendered story of aviation through the ages. It’s an emotional, exceptional and unforgettable experience, easily one of the best fulldome presentations ever created. It takes audiences on an incredible journey through the history of flight, from the first generations of dreamers who imagined great flying machines to the dreamers of today who are building the star-faring machines of tomorrow.

Dream To Fly combines a rare combination of excellent writing, stunning visualizations, and narration by the gifted Polish actor Danuta Stenka. Her easily understandable English lends the show an evocative and exotic flavor. The show was produced by the Heavens of Copernicus planetarium at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, Poland. It’s one of a very few shows that brings tears to my eyes each time I see it. The show takes the viewer on an emotional roller coaster, as all good movies must, and at the end, leaves us with a hopeful and beautiful dream of future flight to the stars.

Each scene of Dream To Fly is thoughtfully created by master animators, making the full show a major visual tour de force. The orchestral soundtrack is lush and gorgeous, and complements the narration perfectly. The first time we saw the show, Mark C. Petersen commented that it would become to fulldome videos what To Fly! was to IMAX™ in the mid-1970s—a breakthrough presentation. It is that, and much more. Dream To Fly belongs to a new vanguard of shows that expand the dome to educate audiences in other sciences, literature, history, art, in addition to its role as THE place to learn about astronomy. Speaking personally, I love this show! It’s such a beautiful way to learn about the history and mechanics of flight.

Dream To Fly is now the latest addition to the Loch Ness Productions catalog of fulldome shows. You can read more about it and see previews and licensing information on our Dream to Fly Web pages.

About Carolyn Collins Petersen

I'm CEO of Loch Ness Productions. Check out my full bio here.
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