Mark and Carolyn's South American Adventure
March 15-April 1, 2001

Our Web Picture Book Index:

  1. The Basic Adventure
  2. Rio de Janeiro
  3. Stargazing and Talks
  4. Montevideo and Buenos Aires
  5. The Falkland Islands
  6. Rounding the Horn
  7. Trekking in Ushuaia
  8. Penguining in Punta Arenas
  9. Cruising the Chilean Fjords
  10. Puerto Montt, Chile
  11. Valparaiso, Chile
  12. At Home on the Ryndam
Opening map

© Copyright 2001
The Space Writer
Created April 9, 2001.

Pictures and text by Carolyn Collins Petersen. Additional pictures by Mark C. Petersen. All images were taken with either an Epson PhotoPC 850Z camera or a Sony Hi-8 camcorder, transferred to computer, then resized and enhanced in Adobe Photoshop.
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Revised 28 May 2003