Cruising the Chilean Fjords

Fjord map
andean glacier

For two days we cruised the Chilean Fjords — some of the most ruggedly beautiful scenery in the world. During our inside passage we met with calm waters and cool temperatures. When we encountered open seas, we met with hurricane-force winds and high waves! One morning we woke at 4 a.m. to the sound of books falling from our bedside table as the ship rocked and rolled along in the rough weather. Quite an adventure, and as Captain Mercer pointed out several times, we were certainly getting the "wild" part of our Wild Majesty Explorer cruise!

Vistas of snow-capped peaks and blue-white glaciers graced the view for many kilometers along the fjords.

Andean peaks

This glacier is slowly making its way to the sea, carving valleys as it goes.

glacier snout

Many glaciers were feeding waterfall networks like these two.

Waterfalls more waterfalls

At lower elevations the hills were covered with lush-looking vegetation. Although we saw little wildlife on the ground, there were plenty of birds swooping around the ship as we glided along.

cruisin' the fjord

Before we left the safety of the fjord for the open seas we stopped to transship an ill passenger. The doctor's staff prepared her to be sent to a local hospital. The captain radioed to the Chilean Navy, which sent out a boat to pick her up.

blue ice glacier

We were fascinated with this tumbling blue-white ice.


We spent most of one afternoon out on the decks just watching the beautiful scenery as the ship glided through the calm waters.

Mark ponders a glacier

ccp ponders a glacier

A blue-white snowfield feeding a huge waterfall!

the blue glacier

These hills look like they have saguaro cactus plants springing up among the bushes and trees.

fjord with trees

Many of us (dressed in our formal best) watched the proceedings from the upper decks until it was time go in for dinner.

patient transfer

We heard later that the passenger was treated successfully and returned to the ship in Valparaiso.

Mark had a good point of view of the whole operation from nearly directly overhead, and caught a good picture of one of the covered deck guns on the Chilean ship.
