[Daxie] DAX E. KATT is named for the Star Trek character, Jadzia Dax.

She was born in Colorado in June 2022. A first-round draft pick, she is on the practice squad, learning about everything.

[Jayzee] JADZI A. KATT is named for the Star Trek character, Jadzia Dax.

She was born in Colorado in 2017. She interned with Kira, learning such skills as how to find hitherto-hidden functions in Photoshop. Her hobbies are chasing Mousie and cat food critic. In her spare time she likes to track flies and millers.

[Obie bear] OBERON B. KATT (2017-2022) was Jadzia's brother.

Obie also interned with Kira, and learned to play "chase the stars" on the PixelDome during shows. His interests included cat food, more cat food, and anything else that looks edible. In his spare time, he also chased Mousie, and assisted Jadzia in fly tracking.

[Kira girl] KIR A. KATT (2006-2020) was the senior member of the roster, a 2006 first-round draft pick.

Kira was born in Massachusetts, and along with the rest of the LNP/Katt contingent, came to Colorado in 2009. She was in charge of inter-staff relations, including conflict mediation as well as meditation. Her hobbies were cat-tree climbing and chasing the little red dot.

[Miranda's visage] MIRAND A. KATT (1999-2017) joined LNP just before the turn of the century. She was rarely seen around the offices, though, preferring instead to work behind the scenes on a variety of projects.

Born on a farm in rural Massachusetts before relocating to Colorado with the rest of the LNP/Katt cohort, Miranda was named for the moon of Uranus, because of her mottled markings. Her hobbies were sleeping, eating, and challenging her compatriots to bouts in the WFF's "Katt Smackdown" competition.

[Laz boy] LAZ R. S. KATT (2003-2015) was named after the Heinlein character Lazarus Long, whose motto was "To enjoy life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks."

Laz was born in Massachusetts and relocated with the LNP/Katt contingent in 2009. At LNP, he apparently worked for the IT department, since he was often found rearranging computer cables.

[Pixel's pixels] PIX L. KATT (1997-2011) Named for Robert A. Heinlein's feline heroine in "The Cat Who Walks Through Walls", Pixel was born and raised in Massachusetts before relocating with the rest of the LNP/Katt contingent to Colorado in 2009.

Her main duties included supervision of principal photography for all programs, in addition to fax compression and facilities inspections, and overseeing the smooth operations of the company. Her literary interests manifested themselves in a preoccupation with pens and pencils, and she had the planetarian's fascination for opaquing brushes, X-acto knives and screenplays.

[Larry's pic] LAWRENCE E. KATT (1982-1998), affectionately known as "Larry", was the managing supervisor at Loch Ness Productions. He was featured in the title role of our 1990 planetarium show, Larry Cat In Space.

Born at the very moment the space shuttle Columbia touched down at White Sands, New Mexico, Larry was cherished for 16+ years at Loch Ness Productions.

[Calicat's image] CAL I. KATT (1981-1997), was the first feline employee at Loch Ness Productions. She arrived for a visit one winter night and a month later provided the famous Larry, along with two siblings, Curly and Moe, who relocated early in their careers.

Calicat was often seen around the offices and frequently supervised studio sessions. Her hobbies included database inspections, desktop napping, and keeping Larry company.