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Narrated by Patrick Stewart

Captain Jean-Luc Picard
of Star Trek movies and TV


Come along on a captivating scientific and historical exploration of the planet Mars!

MarsQuest is a chronicle tracing our centuries-long cultural and scientific fascination with the planet Mars. Set in a theatrical style "three-act" form with an epilogue, it weaves a satisfying narrative of what Mars means to humanity.

MarsQuest - Twin PeaksIn the first section, "Homage," we trace Mars through history — from an "incantation" of the various War God forms given by different cultures, to the early observations of Schiaparelli and Lowell, and the infamous "canals" which led to science-fiction stories about Martians. We hear excerpts from H. G. Wells "War Of The Worlds" and Edgar Rice Burroughs's "Barsoom" novels.

"Mars In Focus" details the Mars of our time — as seen in the night sky, through binoculars and telescopes, and from our Mars explorations. Mission findings from more than a quarter century of spacecraft missions feature reports on Mars weather, climate, and areology. We compare the climate and terrain of Earth and Mars, and present the current thinking about the areologic history of the planet, and a rationale for future exploration.

MarsQuest - Marsnauts"Mars In The Future" examines where on Earth we can prepare to live on Mars, what will be needed to get crewed missions there, and what the first landing may be like.

The show ends with "Rhapsody On A Red Planet," a poetically-styled "ode to Mars", this time from a future perspective; an eloquent soliloquy tracing the efforts that led to our first footsteps onto the desolate and dusty Martian surface.

Along with its sister planetary shows MAGELLAN: Report From Venus and The Voyager Encounters, MarsQuest is an excellent way to present the wonders of the solar system to audiences of all ages.

MarsQuest pan

GENRE icon Running time: 40:26
Age level: General public
Year of production: 2007 fulldome, 2001 classic
Narrated by Patrick Stewart
Words expertly crafted by Carolyn Collins Petersen
Stereo soundtrack with original music by Geodesium

Produced in collaboration with the Space Science Institute of Boulder, Colorado,
with funding by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Q. How do you handle updates for the latest discoveries?

SHORT ANSWER: We don't. You may.

LONG ANSWER: MarsQuest was originally produced in 2001; the fulldome version based on the classic show's content was created in 2007. There are no plans at this time to update the show. While we are fortunate that there are new images and data being returned from Mars every day, it's simply impractical for us to record new narration and change the show with every new press release. We can't simply toss in newly released images, because the show's existing narration naturally won't describe and explain them. And we don't allow editing of the show (see the Performance License Agreement).

So, in pre-show welcoming remarks to the audience, we suggest that presenters include words to the effect:

"MarsQuest was produced in 2001. It provides an overview of humanity's fascination with the red planet. As you know, there are several spacecraft and ongoing missions at Mars right now. After MarsQuest is over, I'll be back to show you some brand new images I just downloaded from JPL."

Then go for it... afterward!

Q. What's your source for the Mars god names?
by Carolyn Collins Petersen

LONG ANSWER: It seems we're always answering inquiries about the origins of the Mars gods names we use in MarsQuest. When I first wrote The Mars Show back in 1988 I sifted through old astronomy and mythology books to find a dozen or so names for Mars. Throughout history Mars has held fascination as a god or some other special personage in the skies, and has most often (but not always) been embodied as a god of War. The history of Mars goes back to earliest civilizations, which is not surprising considering how visible Mars is and how easy it is to track (and map) its movements. In my research I often found that the name for Mars was bequeathed from one civilization or culture to another, borrowed as needed, and sometimes imposed by a conqueror onto the pantheon of deities revered by the vanquished.

I've listed below the names for Mars that we used in the show, along with brief explanations of the region of the world from which they came, and in some cases, some relevant cultural information. These are not by any means the only names that were ever used for Mars, they're just the list that we chose to dramatize this show. Below the names I've listed some of the sources I used, along with some Web sites which may be of interest to you.

HorusHorus the Red: Egyptian, variant on Red Horus, which is translated from a 19th and 20th-dynasty name: "Heru-tesher." (3, 9)

Morning StarMorning Star (Who Overcomes Evening Star). This comes from the Skidi Pawnee of North America. (4)

NabuNabu — A Babylonian name (5) mostly associated with the planet Mercury, but assigned by the Sumerians to the planet Mars. For them, he was the god of wisdom. There are also some links to Nabu as a Chaldean god. (6)

NirgalNirgal (also spelled Nergal) — worshiped in Babylonia and Assyria; the god of war; sometimes associated with the Sun; mostly associated with death and destruction.

UrbarraUrbarra — believed to be of early Sumerian origin.

SalbatanuSalbatanu — this name is of Babylonian origin. (1)

VerethragnaVerethragna — of Persian origin. (1)

MustabarruMustabarru — Babylonia (7)

LohitangaLohitanga — Sanskrit (one of many variants on the name of a war god associated with the Red Planet)

PyroeisPyroeis — this is an early Greek name for Mars (3)

MirikhaMirikha — another Sanskrit variant (3)

ArtagnesArtagnes — Persian (found in various sites around Turkey and what was Persia). (7)

AngaresAngares — a variant of Angaraka (another Sanskrit name) (3)

AresAres — Greek (3)

MarsMars — Roman (3)

1. Encyclopedia of Middle-Eastern Mythology and Religion, 1993.

2. Blunck, Jürgen. Mars and its Satellites, Jurgen Blunck, Exposition University Books, 1982.

3. "Origins of the names of Planets and Satellites," Carl Masthay, The Planetarian, Vol. 16, No. 4, October 1987.

4. Chamberlain, Von del. When Stars Came Down to Earth: Cosmology of the Skidi Pawnee Indians of North America, Ballena Press/Center for Archaeoastronomy (Smithsonian Institution), 1982.

5. The Ancient History Sourcebook Web page:

6. The Probert Encylopedia:


8. — This a tourist site, but it also has a brief description of the gods' names and some of their lineages.

9. Budge, E.A. Wallis. The Gods of the Eyptians, Studies in Egyptian Mythology.
Volume 2. Dover Publications, New York, 1969.