Mark and Carolyn's Excellent Eclipse Cruise

February 22-23: On Board -- At Sea


This electronic map showed the progress we were making during our cruise through the Caribbean. Here we'd rounded Cuba, headed south.

These lovely ladies graced the center atrium of the Statendam, rising up three stories from the lower promenade deck to the ceiling of the Upper Promenade. This is the upper third of the sculpture.


Our first formal night at sea. You can't tell Mark is muttering about having to wear a tuxedo in the tropics!


This was also the occasion of the Captain's Cocktail party, so at the right time, we presented ourselves to the Captain (right) and the Hotel Manager of the Statendam.

This is not really Richard Simmons!
It's Mr. Meteorite Man, Robert A. Haag, giving a lecture on (what else?) finding meteorites!

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C'mon folks! Work it out! Find those rocks from space!

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