We started out at the fabulous Seabreeze Doubletree hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The main adventure of the evening was getting a cab driver who couldn't even find Fort Lauderdale from the Fort Lauderdale airport. After the exciting drive, during which we sat in the back seat with a city map and tried to tell the driver where to go (!), we felt that a dinner and drinks were in order. So, after checking into the hotel, we retired to nearby Pusser's for one of their famous rum drinks and some veggie wraps. The next morning, we were intrigued with the view out our top floor room. We had a front row seat view of a film crew attempting to do a shoot on a busy public beach. Then it was time to meet the lovely Susan Barnett (our friend and ride to the Port Everglades terminal) for a lunch at Mistral. |
![]() We figure if Mars Pathfinder can make mosaics |
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