Pickety Place and Parker's Maple Barn
1_A garden at Pickety Place
Another garden at Pickety Place
One of the dining rooms at Pickety Place
One table of WomanLand participants
The other table of WomanLand participants
Maggie explores the gardens
Renee and Daddy finished exploring the greenhouses
Renee at the herb-drying shed
Annette finds an herb bed
Annette and Carolyn at Pickety Place
Carolyn inspects the plants
Betsy visits the greenhouse
Maggie and Renee shop
At the picnic table outside
At the picnic table outside (2)
The birds do Pickety Place
Annette shops Pickety Place
Daddy shops the Greenhouse at Pickety Place
Resting after Lunch
Resting at Parker's Maple Barn
21_More resting at Parker's Maple Barn (shopping is hard work)
Jody and the Wooden Indian
Daddy and the Wooden Indian
The WomanLand participants (from the front)
The WomanLand participants(showing off the backs of their t-shirts)
to the home page.