Opened 1964

7.3m Spitz Nanoseam, installed 2012
Capacity 45, epicentric; attendance: 4,144 (2016)
Spitz SciDome, installed 2012
Home of the ASC Astronomy Club, free and open to the public!
Opened 1975 Total attendance: 75,400

19.8m Astro-Tec, installed 2013
Capacity 210, epicentric; attendance: 67,300 (2023)
Ohira Tech MEGASTAR-IIB, installed 2013
Sky-Skan Definiti, installed 2013
6 JVC, 8K
DigitalSky 2

6.0m Avela Go-Dome, installed 2017
Capacity 30, portable; attendance: 8,100 (2023)
Elumenati Fisheye, installed 2017

1.8m fiberglass, installed 2013
Capacity 6
ePlanetarium Newtonian, installed 2013
SPICE Automation. Fiske provides astronomical education opportunities to the
people of Colorado. Programs for University classes, primary and secondary
schools. Fri. public astronomy, laser, Sat. family shows. A small full-time
staff in a large facility; students present and help produce our programs.
John Keller, Director
+1 303 735 6141
Francisco Salas, Operations Manager
+1 303 492 3749
Thor P.H. Metzinger, Producer, Production Manager
+1 303 492 8782
Briana Adeline Ingermann, Educational Programs Manager
+1 303 492 4073
Nick Conant, Theater Manager
Carla Johns, Marketing and Membership Coord
+1 303 735 8356
Tom Muncy, Systems and Audio Engineer
+1 303 492 4562
Jonathan Allured, IT Specialist
Opened 2009

5m Custom, installed 2009
Custom Mirror, installed 2009
With the support of the Colorado State University Extension, starting
a mobile planetarium outreach program for elementary students.
Adam Thomas Goss, Director
Opened 2002
Joe Magie, Flight Director
Steve Flannery, Flight Director (D20 TOSA)
+1 719 224 3426
Robert Fredell, CEO
Community College of Denver
900 Auraria Parkway
Denver, CO 80204
Opened 2008

8m Avela Go-Dome, installed 2008
Capacity 40, portable
STARLAB Digital Starlab, installed 2008
Opened 1968
Our audiences demand accuracy and quality in all Museum offerings. To ensure
we are positioned to present the finest fulldome content now and in the
future, we develop show production tools and techniques, and maintain an on-
going process of content development by partnering with other institutions.
Opened 1995

10.9m 20° Spitz NanoSeam, installed 2012
Capacity 80, unidirectl; attendance: 22,000 (2014)
Evans & Sutherland Digistar 6, installed 2017
2x Sony
Projection Design FL35 WQXGA projectors
Nick Duarte, Music and Sound Lab Curator
+1 970 416 2720
Scott McKinney, Manager of Digital Experiences
Opened 1977

7.9m, installed 1984
Capacity 70, epicentric
GOTO INC MARK II, installed 1984
Custom Mirror, installed 2011
Adam T. McBride, Teacher/Planetarium Director
Holly Sheldon
Opened 1995
World's highest fulldome theater - elevation 9247 feet / 2818 meters.

Our fulldome shows:
HUBBLE Vision 2,
Sky Quest,
Larry Cat In Space,
The Cowboy Astronomer,
Season Of Light,
Oceans In Space,
Fito Gato En El Espacio,
MAGELLAN: Report From Venus,
Light Years From Andromeda,
The Voyager Encounters
Carolyn Collins Petersen, Proprietor and Director
Mark C. Petersen, Operations/Program Officer
Pagosa Springs Middle School
309 Lewis Street, PO Box 1498
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
+1 970 264 2794

5.0m STARLAB, installed 2022
Capacity 30, portable
STARLAB Digital Starlab, installed 2022
Anita Hinger, 8th Grade Science Teacher
Debbie Moore, First Grade Teacher
Opened 1959

15.2m, installed 1996
Capacity 124, epicentric; annual attendance: 30,000
Evans & Sutherland Digistar 6, installed 2019
Mission: Support cadet training.
Dr. Devin Dell-Rose, Observatory Director
Judy Cara, Project Manager
+1 719 333 3361
Remy Morgan
Kookalooz Space Playground
6805 West 88th Avenue
Westminster, CO 80021
+1 303 386 4287
Opened 2018

5.0m Avela Go-Dome, installed 2018
Capacity 30, portable
ePlanetarium Newtonian, installed 2018
Meghan Stockman, Co-Owner
Roger Stockman, Co-Owner
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