The day after our hike in Chaco, we headed for our next destination: Socorro, New Mexico for a tour and photography shoot at the Very Large Array radio telescope "farm." Thanks to the kindness of National Radio Astronomy Observatories and their Public Information Officer Dave Finley, and the VLA site safety officer Jon Spargo (both friends of Carolyn's) we had access to the array for a late afternoon and sunset shooting opportunity. The VLA is such a fabulous place to photograph we could have spent a week there. As it was, we photographed up until sunset the first day and then spent some time the next day doing some "catchup" photos. Learn more about the Very Large Array (opens in a second window) |
Carolyn at the VLA![]() |
Mark at the VLA![]() |
All images Copyright 2002, Mark and Carolyn Collins Petersen
All-sky image copyright 2002 Loch Ness Productions