4th of July, Concord MA

Mark plays tuba in the Concord Band. On a hot and hazy Friday afternoon, the band performed the traditional 4th of July concert in Emerson Park in Concord during Picnic in the Park. Several hundred folks sat under the park's trees to listen to a medley of traditional music, show tunes, and of course, patriotic music! Here are some pictures that Carolyn took while Mark and the band performed that memorable summer afternoon!

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The band set up under a large tree, surrounded by a group of picnickers.

Conductor Bill McManus hefts the baton. Recognize the handsome tuba player in the sunglasses there in the back row?

As a special treat Mark and four other brass players gave a special Dixieland jazz concert up in front of the band!

Mark's thinking to himself, "I sure wish this tuba were lighter!"

Here's the full panoramic view of the band and the many folks enjoying the fine 4th of July concert!

revised 4 July 2003