The Cats

Picture Out here at Petersen Prospect, we've been getting used to a new arrival. Her name is Miranda. We named her thus because of her mottled coloration -- sort of reminded us of the Uranian moon Miranda.
Picture Miranda started life as a farm cat at a place a couple of miles east of us here in Groton. Aside from about 20 other cats with whom she shared a porch and yard, she was also used to chickens and sheep. No doubt moving into a house with a couple of giants and an unknown cat presented her with a challenge -- but she seems to be settling into indoor living.
Picture She was shy and retiring at first, and we spent a lot of time during her first few weeks with us ferreting her out of various hiding places.
Picture She has kind of a ferrety-looking mug, so one of her nicknames is "Ferret Face." She also seems to have NO fear of the video camera -- but then again, she probably thought it was something to eat. Eating is her hobby -- she probably had to fight for food among her cat brethren back on the farm. Here, of course, she gets spoiled with meals on demand.
Picture Pixel inherited Alpha Cat status upon Larry's death in October. However, we felt that she needed a companion, which is why we searched around and got Miranda. Pixel's first reaction was that we had brought an interloper into the house -- but now, a month later, she tolerates Miranda's playful ways and even deigns to give her a bath once in a while.
Picture Occasionally they play chase throughout the house, taking frequent rest breaks for tail flashing and crouching.
Picture Occasionally Miranda will sneak up on Pixel...
Picture ... resulting in a predictable reaction. All in all, things are going well with our little addition. She's slowly outgrowing her shyness and her antics are amusing.